Tuesday, January 24, 2006

First, let me thank Anonymous -- my nemesis (because he won't tell me who he/she is) -- for posting his/her truly insighful tidbits. He's/She's really livened up this blog and I'm sure I have new fans checking in just for his/her interesting comments.

Next... I stood in line today at the vet behind a man who was actually wearing wooden shoes. He wasn't trying to be hip or ironic or anything like that... he was just an old Dutch guy who liked to wear shoes that were once part of a tree. I couldn't help but chuckle. Not at him, mind you, just... well... near him. (and yes, I was at the vet to get what i like to call "kitty downers" because Hobbes is still licking herself bald.)

Last... a slight continuation of my "what I miss" list:

10) (is this number I left off on?... er... no idea) Target. Tar-jay. However, you say it, I miss it. Wandering though the aisles... wondering if I really need a cobalt blue square vase...'cause geez... it's so cool and cheap... eyeing the $12.99 shoes, wondering if they'd kill my feet... ahhh.. I didn't know I had it so good.

11) Friendly people... look... i KNOW we have our fair share of assholes in the States, but there's a different style of rude here. Nobody and i repeat -- nobody -- says excuse me or pardon me or anything like that here. Say, you're in a grocery store in the Netherlands and, say, you and your cart are standing in front of the potatoes... well, the woman behind you who wants whatever it is you happen to be blocking... the potatoes or the onions right next to them, will push past you... move your cart and grab what she needs without ever uttering a word. She won't even make eye contact. Not even when she's literally used her left breast to shove you out of the way. It's... um... well... odd and really disconcerting to say the least.

12) Epidurals. Okay, I know that I'm not even close to giving birth to a baby... but let me just tell you -- many Dutch people feel it's right and natural to give birth at home and with no pain medication. I'd really like to make a smartass comment about this, but part of me is shaking and crying like a little girl right now... so let's move on...

13) The sun. Did I mention this already? Probably... anyway, it's here again... for emphasis.

14) Project Runway and Nip/Tuck. Sigh....

Okay, that's it for now... more later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the compliment.
You maintain a nice and cozy place.

I like spending time here.

I just completed a nice little vacation...And so it's taken some time to catch up with your world.

I'm going to leave this place and head to the jeans post. I'm not into the typical "Oh no - I'm getting fat" dialogue, but for you I'll make an exception. :)

5:20 PM  

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