Day 1 was a success... even though there was still one donut in our house (singing its siren's song to me...) and even though I went to the gym where there are really tasty cappucinos.
It's 10:17am on Day 2 and I feel okay. In fact, even just one day of this diet is doing odd things to me. I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7am even though it's still dark as night at that hour here. (hmmm... then again... maybe it was hunger that woke me up...)
*staring blankly at the screen*
I have no interesting stories to relate. How about I just give you one-liners...
While in Amsterdam's red light district, M and I went to a not-terribly-interesting peepshow.
To my great disappointment, my Dutch class that was supposed to begin today has been postponed for at least a month.
Even though previously I hated any sort of sound in the morning, I now wake up to the radio every morning.
At first, this habit made me want to smother M with a pillow, but now I kind of like it.
Dutch people don't rinse the soap off their dishes.The more neurotic kitty of my two has licked one of her legs almost completely bald.
M and I are planning a trip to the States in July.
This will be M's first trip there.
On the highway from Amsterdam to Enschede there's a rest stop where gay men openly cruise for each other.
As a joke, my gay friend Tonio stopped at it so I could see for myself.
*loooooooonnng break inserted here*
It's now 4:53pm.
I just finished ironing M's shirts.
Earlier today, I sewed a hole in a pair of his pants.
Oh. My. God. I NEED to get my work permit.
My mother has figured out how to comment on my blog and I will not comment futher on how I feel about this. :)
Many Dutch people -- especially the highly educated ones -- have a very low opinion of the US.
Today the sun made a week, watery appearance for a few minutes.
Even this was enough to boost my mood.
I have to stop writing these meaningless and mostly uninteresting one-liners because I need to go put a chicken roast in the oven.
See above about the desperately needed work permit.
America has many flaws.
But it could be worse - Western Europe could be speaking German or better yet, Russian right now.
Of course, let a major earthquake hit the Netherlands...Or a Tsunami...I'm sure every high educated Dutch would be more than happy for some good ol' American help.
Let me stop -- I'm sounding too much like O'Reily (i hate that pompous bastard).
Yay for day 2 of dieting.
and yes --- i know the possibilities of a tsunami hitting the Netherlands is Nil.
I was metaphorically speaking.
...Just imagine a serious catastrophe ---
in this case -- groves and acres of marijuana forests catching fire for instance.
lots of pain and loss --- but a whole load of happy europeans. :)
You sewed?!? YOU SEWED?!?
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