I started a diet today. I guess this would be the first offical time I've ever dieted because I really needed to and not because I was experimenting. (As in... hmmm... vegetarianism... let's give that a try just to see... hmmm... Dr. Weil... now that seems sensible. I think I'll try that. blah blah blah)
Let's see... I've been up since about 9:30am... so that means I'm exactly 5 hours and 3 minutes into my diet. Woohoo! This isn't so hard. har har har
My plan is to cut out sugar for the first three days (atkins-ish dieting, I guess) and then simply cut back on my carbs and calories. I cannot do strict Atkins for longer than 3 days without some sort of insanity setting in. There are only so many eggs one person can consume, n'est pas?
Just so you all (ya'll, yins, youse guys) are totally with me during this process I will tell you what my weight is right now and what goal I'm trying to reach. (I want to get back to what I was for the majority of my 20s) Okay, deep breath Ang... you can do this....
136. I weigh 136 at this very moment. 136 136 136. There I said it. My pants don't really fit and I'm frightened when I catch a glimpse of myself naked. (However, the ta tas are fantastic with the extra weight...)
My goal is 125. I have NO clue if my body will even let me go back there anymore, but I'm gonna give it the 'ol college try. It's either that or accept the long slow slide towards a middle aged body...
I will NOT give in to the glazed donut! Beer has no power over me! I don't even really like chocolate! Rah rah sis boom bah!
Medical Marijuana supposedly works miracles for those looking to lose weight. You see it takes away those food cravings and...
Wait a sec...
You live in the Netherlands?
You...are...soooooo screwed. :)
Alright, Anonymous... enough of this super secret agent crap. Who ARE you??
Pete.. is this you?? Huh? HUH???
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