I Be Stayin'
After much weighing of the pros and cons (pro -- I love NY, con -- I love NY and may not want to return to Holland) M and I have decided I should decline my friend's generous offer.
Well, I say "we" but ultimately it was my decision. M had arguments for encouraging me to go, but in the end we decided to employ my friend Tamela's very scientific method for making big decisions:
We flipped a coin.
Heads, I go. Tails, I stay.
When the coin turned up tails, it chrystallized our emotions about me leaving. (or rather staying) We both felt more comfortable with that option.
that friend of yours must be super intelligent....and, i bet she's a knockout too. :)
Yes, "tyd", Angela's friend is a knockout. ;-)
I think I will start employing that simplistic approach to decision-making. If only I had learned of it earlier in my life. :-)
I now feel free to address something in your last post... Your ex is not your ex because of your career choice.
yeah - your ex was your ex because he was an asshole.
Whoa! Stop right there! My ex is not an asshole. He's a very sweet man. (Just not the right partner for me.)
It's obvious, "anonymous" that you do/did not know Angela's ex. Therefore, you are not in a position to judge him.
Hi angela, just checked out your blog. I can relate to many of your posts and wish you the best of luck here in Holland. I'm not even sure where Enschede is but it sounds far away!
::shrugs shoulders::
I was using it as a verb...not a noun.
We're all assholes at times the more I think about it.
So the assumption is still correct.
Wait - let me flip a coin.
Yep - he's an asshole.
ok, can't say I'm not disappointed, but jobs do come and go. But next time, I won't be your boss. I'll be your boss' boss. ;)
Just joking. Now you and M will definitely both have to come visit me in NYC soon, together. I owe him for the "fries of war."
Be well! BTW-- NYC winters aren't exactly mild either (this coming from a Chicagoan).
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