Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Horrifying Truth

This morning M finally confessed and now I know the truth:

This IS summer here.

I realize I spend a lot of time talking about food, the weather and nudity on this blog, but these seem to be re-occurring themes of my new life and, really -- what's more important than having nice food while naked in excellent weather?

Not much, I say.

So, despite the long arduous months of patiently awaiting the promised beauty of a Dutch summer, what I'm really getting is this:

Virtually constant canopy of gray/black clouds? Check!

Scarves and light jackets lest the freezing summer temperatures turn your nipples to stone? Check!

Got your umbrella for sudden downpours that may or may not contain hail? Check Check!

Surly attitude because you can't wear your pretty sandals (unless you like blue toes) and your boyfriend's been lying to you for months about the upcoming lekker warm weather? Check and check and check!

Try to ignore that previous blog entry within which I detailed all the nice things about Holland at this time of year and the fact that the weather was oven-hot. Apparently, that was a freak of nature.

Though I do still love the little lambies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

... this from the woman who decided to stay home last sunday while I went to the nude beach with plenty of nice food in my backpack and an outside temperature of 28 degrees Celsius (= 82 Fahrenheit)

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

M, I would have thought the promise of food would have been a big draw, no matter the temperature. ;-)

Just think...

Only 18 more days until Angela can start moaning about how cold I keep the house. :-)

1:14 AM  
Blogger A said...

well i had to stay home because i had work to do to make YOU money and to call my beloved father.


1:35 PM  

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