All is well here in kikkerlandje ("little frog land" for those of you don't speak Dutch... uh, like, you know, everyone except a tiny tiny percentage of the Earth)
The fight was resolved the next day... though both of us went to bed mad. We both have tempers... can be incredibly stubborn... and quite frankly, almost always assume we're right, so it usually takes several hours for both of us to simmer down enough to think clearly. :)
But suffice to say, all is well again.
And the sun is even shining today. Hurrah!
Had a funny thing happen this weekend... got into a screaming match with a big Dutch guy... but it'll have to wait until tomorrow because I have more Dutch lessons to finish. I have class tonight and I don't want to look stom. (Dutch for "stupid")
Nice. Glad to have you back.
Wij misten zeer u!!!
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