Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Oh, I have many things to relate, but it'll all have to wait for next week. My other half is on vacation still and so we're up to our eyeballs in home improvements. Currently, the TV room is only half painted purple, so we gotta finish that today. No, really, it's a NICE purple, not tacky or obnoxious or anything.

Let me just end with a shoutout to a regular reader of my blog (yes, my mother has informed me that a complete stranger actually checks in on this thing. I feel so honored!) Anyhoo...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

please return with more blogs.

my days drag by.

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a complete stranger actually checks in on this thing.

Indeed she does - and she's sorely disappointed when you are slack and don't update regularly ;)

I generally don't bother with blogs (particularly of people I don't actually know, online friendships with Moms aside) but you hooked me with the correspondence from China - a hugely entertaining perspective :)

Thanks for sharing and keenly awaiting better pics of the platinum 'do.

12:18 PM  

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