Thursday, September 14, 2006

Conspiracy Theories

M downloaded a few 9/11 conspiracy theory films from the internet and now that I've watched them, I feel like I need to urge anyone who pops onto this site to do the same. (The film Loose Change is a good place to start.

Do I believe all the claims? No, of course not.

Am I disturbed by some of the arguments enough to think "Hmmm... did my government tell me everything? Absolutely.

And the one question that really bothers me: Why did WTC building #7 collapse?

The official explanation is that a fire started in the building from flying debris from the twin towers. But when you get into it, it just REALLY doesn't make sense. There was no reason whatsoever for that building to go down.
How many of you even remember that that building fell? I didn't.

On Dutch TV the other night, there was a documentary that refuted much of the claims asserted in Loose Change. Various scientists proved that the questions posed by the filmmaker were scientifically impossible... all except this one about building 7. Demolition experts looked at videos of it collapsing and said, without a doubt, that it was brought down in a controlled manner. In other words, explosives were detonated at the ground floor.

And what was in building 7? It housed offices of the CIA, FBI and Secret Service.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief!!! Don't tell me this lunacy has found its way to Holland, too!!!

Michael Shermer, publisher of "Skeptic Magazine" was on C-Span this morning effectively refuting the 9/11 conspiracies.

May I remind you of just who occupies the White House. The man is too inept to run this country let alone take part in anything as complicated as 9/11.

1:35 AM  
Blogger A said...

Don't get your panties in a bind! :)

I'm just saying that I find this one teensy weensy fact really odd.

But I do think Elvis is alive and the Mafia killed JFK.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What panties?


(You may now gouge out your mind's eye.)

2:39 PM  

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