I realized I've never given details about the man I'm moving to be with. Okay so here goes:
Age: 26 (just turned in August) No smart comments about me robbing the cradle, please. Chronologically, he's 26, but he's much older than his age.
Occupation: Getting his PhD in mechanical engineering. Now... he's told me a million times that he's not a student, but rather an employee of the university. So... there ya go. He works for a university while also getting a PhD. (I still don't completely understand the difference, but those Dutchies do it differently than us.)
Hometown: Well, he was born in Amsterdam but his parents moved to the north of Holland when he was just a little kid. Now, he lives in Enschede -- which is where I'll also be living. (obviously) It's in the east of the country on the border with Germany. But it's such a tiny country that it only takes about 2 hours to get over to Amsterdam. You know, that'll be my commute just in case I have to start working in the red light district...
Hobbies: playing guitar, working out/sports... um... M, you're gonna have to help me here. Does drinking good Dutch beer count as a hobby??
Height: about 6'2" or if you use the system that THE REST OF THE WORLD uses he's about 190cm. Crazy... I have to get used to talking in centimeters and kilos and kilometers. Oh yeah, and saying those things in Dutch. eek!
Hair and eyes (if you can't tell from the pics): brown
Um... gee... maybe I should stop with the physical details because you guys don't really need to know that much about him. :)
Anything else you want to know? (keep it clean please)
Ang is robbing the cradle!! YEE-HAW!! (Just kidding.) Girl, you rock.
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