THIS is how I will one day control my children
So I was on one of my favorite blogs -- -- and her latest post is about just how awful the grocery store can be when you 1) must use an automated checkout system and 2) have a three year old who wants to touch everything and/or run away from you.
It was a great post, as usual, but I laughed out loud when I saw this woman's comment on how she keeps her children from misbehaving in the grocery store:
Also I bribe my kids and if they do not do what I want I eat their cookie or donut in front of them. I eat it staring into their little eyes with a look of intense steely confidence that says you "will not act that way again in the grocery store - I command it" Then the next time I mention how good the treat was and how much I enjoyed it and how I do so hope that they misbehave so I can eat their cookie again.
You're just looking for an excuse to eat a cookie. :-)
If I had eaten your cookies when I had to take you to the stores, I would have weighed 300 pounds by the time you were--oh, I don't know--SIX? heh! :-)
ooooh i LOVE it! i'm soooo stealing that one once this uterine parasite drops out of my cooch. seriously. that's brilliant!
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