Friday, November 09, 2007

Ode to an Unknown Dutchman

Dear Mr. Unknown Dutchman...

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

You are a rarity here, sweet Dutchman. A man who gives up his seat on the train? For me? What, pray tell, did I do to deserve such gentlemanly behavior?

I certainly don't look elderly...

Perchance, my outfit made me look pregnant?

No matter, I thank thee for your kindness.

(and will remember to wear said outfit again when I next travel during rush hour...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want that rarity to happen more often?

Invest in some maternity tops--and a pillow. ;-)

1:28 AM  
Blogger The A-Team said...

i KNOW! european men are supposed to be so chivalrous and gentlemanly, right? but when it comes to trains it is a veritable free-for-all. seriously, back the F off so the lady can take her seat with dignity! and so the lady can HAVE a seat!

i noticed an act of kindness on the train today, too. a young dutch man actually invited someone walk in front of him as we were exiting the train, and then he even held that annoying sliding door open for me (you know the one, where it's always open until you walk through it and then it knocks into you). what a nice young man! i should buy him a cookie!

10:52 PM  

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