Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Last night, Martijn and I visited his gym so I could get the "official" tour and decide if I want to become a member. (Of course, I want to become a member. Have I mentioned how much cheese I eat here? I think I can actually feel my butt expanding on a daily basis.)

First (and I would love to show pictures, but, alas, it didn't occur to me that I should take a camera to the gym) the place is very gezellig. (I think I've used this handy Dutch word before, but let me re-explain. It sort of means cozy, but it generally implies that things are cozy because of the people that are there in addition to the decorations.) Anyhoo... I've never been in such a cozy gym. There were nice furnishings, lovely colors on the walls, lamps, massage chairs, and a cute little area where you can consume cookies, coffee and other FREE beverages while you chat with other gym-goers. Yes, free... wellllllllll, you know that you're paying for it in your monthly membership, but it's all about the psychology of it. I mean, I can walk up and get a very nice cappucino (or 10) and I don't have to pay a dime. (um, 10 Eurocents, rather) It made me feel very gezellig.

So, we started the evening by playing squash. That's sort of like raquetball but it's the Euro-trash version of it. I soon realized that a) I like this sport, b) I'm exceedingly out of shape and c) even when I'm losing horribly, I still talk trash to my opponent. (oh wait, I've always done this and always known that I do it. my bad)

blah blah blah woof woof woof... let's get to the good part...

I -- an American, born and bred in the Puritanical and therefore thoroughly-clothed US of A -- met my boyfriend in the COED NAKED SAUNA. (gasp!) Yes, folks, you read it right. I sauntered in there with nary a stitch on my body like I owned the place. And then, in bad American fashion, I proceeded to check out the goods of every other naked person in there. "Hmmm... she has better thighs than me, but way more belly fat." "Wow... nature was very kind to that guy!" "Oh... poor man... I bet he compensates with a red sportscar."

Need I say that my time in the sauna was highly entertaining? At one point, there were 7 of us naked people in one tiny little sauna. (Um... imagine, bigger than a cubicle, but smaller than that corner office you covet.)

After you roast in dry heat (hey, I may not be having Thanksgiving this year, but by God, I do know what your turkey's gonna feel like) you should douse yourself thoroughly with icy cold water. There's even a bucket suspended from the wall for this purpose. You pull a rope and Gooooosssshhhhh! You're drenched in water that seems to have recently melted from an iceberg.

I did not do this. I took the wimpy way out and stuck my toe into a cold (oh alright lukewarm) shower. (But I was still naked and surrounded by half a dozen people so I think I should still get some props!)

In a word... I had fun. And again, I wish I'd had my camera with me, but then I would've REALLY been a bad American.


Blogger Miss Penny Lane said...

Me, neither!! Even if I were in the great shape I was a year and a half ago, you woulda only seen me topless. Never been a bottomless type of girl, except when it comes to bottomless bloody marys at brunch... ;)

Holland rocks, girl!!

8:28 PM  

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